Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar Reaction Assignment

Today, on October 28th, 2014, our class accessed the Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar. The webinar we experienced could be categorized as informative and persuasive. It can be classified as informative due to the fact that Foer, himself, addressed questions and informed us of the content of his book. Also, persuasive because some of the information he gave, could direct our thinking towards one side or the other. With this being said, the topics discussed were of meat consumption & Farm Forward.
"Children don't make decisions like this when they are young," (Jonathan Safran Foer). A student in our class asked if his children would grow up to be vegetarian. Foer's comment on this was that, children don't make choices like these when they are at a young age. He's the one who cooks and prepares the food his children eat and their meals contain no meat. However, he said that when his children are older and they decide to not be vegetarian or to be vegetarian, he'd fully support their decision. I found this inspirational that he'd give his children the opportunity to make their own choice as they should, regardless of what he believes.
"You can eat meat your whole life without being able to read or watch about the animals affected and the issues that come along with it," (Jonathan Safran Foer). This comment made by Safran Foer himself during the webinar, sparked my interest. Before, I wasn't so conciencious about what I ate and what I consumed into my body. Now, I am more aware. Most people aren't. It's because of their human values or beliefs that they tend to focus more on how things taste or look rather than what it's actually made of. 
What I also found interesting from the webinar is that not very much people would become vegetarian in the next years to come. I think with the amount of people that already eat meat as their daily meals, it would be hard for most people to just become vegetarian one day. However, I also believe that, if a person was interested, learned, and conciencious about what they were really eating, and actually wanted to become vegetarian, they could. 
As of for me, I do eat meat & do love vegetables and do care for animals, but I don't think I could ever become vegetarian. It's just how I am as a person. I could go days without eating meat and eating pure vegetables, but I wouldn't be able to promise that during those days, I wouldn't crave or want to eat it. Some things just come naturally to a person and I think topics like this just depend on how you are and who you are depending on what you believe in and other aspects. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Latin Roots #5

2.cid(e), cis(e)-cut, kill
3.clam, claim-cry out, declare
4.cord, cour-heart

1.bicentennial- celebration of a two hundredth anniversary
•The organization was celebrating it's bicentennial.
2.centenarian- a person who has lived a hundred years
•My great grandpa was a centenarian who lived to be 103.
3.centurion- a Roman soldier commanding a military unit known as a century
•The centurion commanded an army of a hundred men.
4.clamorous- characterized by insistent complaining
•The little girl was being clamorous by complaining about her loose tooth.
5.concise- covering much in few words; brief & to the point
•The leader gave a concise outline of their plan.
6.concordance- condition of harmony or agreement
•They were in concordance on where to go out and eat.
7.cordial- warm & sincere; amiable
•We gave a cordial welcome to our visitors.
8.discordant- (sounding) harsh or inharmonious
•The stern teacher gave a discordant lecture to her students.
9.genocide- the systematic killing of an entire ethnic group
•The Jewish were killed in a genocide.
10.incisive- keenly penetrating; cutting into
•The doctor cut an incisive cut through the patients body.
11.proclamation- an official announcement informing or honoring
•The mayor gave a proclamation in honor of the town. 
12.reclaim- to restore to former importance or usefulness 
•The girl reclaimed her grade to an A.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Latin Roots #4

1.bon, boun-good
2.capit, capt-head, chief, leader
4.ced, ceed, cess-go, yield, surrender

1.accession- an increase by means of something added; the act of becoming joined
•They were called upon an accession to perform as a group.
2.bona fide- in good faith, genuine
•It was hard to tell if the person we suspected to be a bully, was being bona fide when telling someone a nice thing.
3.bonanza- sudden and expected source of money or riches
•The girl in need of money was miraculously given a bonanza. 
4.bounteous- inclined to be generous 
5.capitulation- surrendering, a final give up
•The crops of wheat they had gathered was bounteous.
6.carnage- a great slaughter, as in battle 
•The two boars were involved in an active carnage.
7.incarnate- literally in the flesh
•The little girl was surprised to see her father incarnate again.
8.carnivorous- a flesh eating, as an animal
•The lion was carnivorous, and could only eat meat.
9.intercede- to meditate
•Instead of doing it herself, she had her partner intercede for her.
10.precedent- having gone before
•Long ago events act as precedents for our future.
11.recapitulation- a brief relipitition
•The teacher gave a brief recapitulation of the play we read.
12.reincarnation- thing that is reborn
•According to some religions, some people believe people undergo reincarnation.