Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Latin Roots #1

1. Agenda- a list of times to be discussed at a formal meeting
•I use my agenda to write down my homework.
2. Agile- able to move quickly 
•He was an agile and powerful runner.
3. Alienate- cause to feel isolated
•She alienated her bestfriend from the group.
4. Altercation- a noisy argument
•They had an altercation about their different homework answers.
5. Amiable-having or displaying a friendly manner
•She had a very amiable attitude towards any situation.
6. Amorous-showing or feeling sexual desire 
•The boy and girl had amorous feelings towards eachother.
7. Animated- full of life or excitement; lively
•The animated show Phineas & Ferb has a character named Candace, after me.
8. Equanimity-mental calmness or composure
•I must have an equanimity attitude when I'm class.
9. Inalienable- unable to be taken or given away 
•My phone is not an object that is inalienable during class.
10. Inanimate-not alive
•The inanimate creature could not love or say a word.
11. Magnanimous-very generous or giving
•The magnanimous girl gave the homeless guy a $20 bill.
12. Reactionary- opposing political or social liberalization or reform; oppose to progress
•The army had a reactionary performance during the 2nd war.

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